Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Registration Procedures

CYSA will follow closely those procedures as outlined in the current NTSSA rules and regulations and those of the Association. In addition to the standard registration form for players, coaches, and volunteers, the following forms will be used in the registration process.

Registration for the Fall 2019 season is open until July 6. 

Please select a player category below then choose between registering online or by mail. For walk-in registration, refer to our calendar or season information [PDF].

Player Registration Options (2)

OPTION 1 -Register ONLINE at https://reg.sportspilot.com/32/login. New players to CYSA must upload picture of birth certificate or passport in online registration and before online checkout. Registration will not be accepted without required proof of age.

OPTION 2- IN-PERSON REGISTRATION- Deliver completed registration form and check for fees to CYSA office located at 509 W Bethel Rd, Coppell, TX 75019. If outside of posted office hours, please leave it in the locked drop box outside the office door labeled COPPELL YOUTH SOCCER. With this option, you must present copy of birth certificate or passport to CYSA Registrar or email it to coppellyouthsoccer@gmail.com. Registration will not be accepted without the listed documents.


** Players living outside the Coppell city limits are considered non-residents to our association and must be released from their home soccer association in order to play in CYSA.

- The release form and instructions are found in the Non-Resident Non-CISD Release Packet on the Forms page. Read more… Non-Resident Non-CISD Release Packet.pdf




Wait List Information

Wait List Registration – not guaranteed placement – Click Here

To get on the WAIT LIST- Registration fees are paid at time of registration, plus a $15 late fee. Once notified via phone and/or email that your player can be placed, required documents will be due within 2 business days. If these are not received within 2 business days of notification, the player will be placed at the bottom of the wait list. If your player cannot be placed by the third week of the season, registration fees will be refunded to you.

Coach Registration

Coach Registration
A. Returning coaches

» Coaches who are returning each Fall Season will need to update their background check in Got Soccer after June 1 and before July 6. 

» To track your team registration, Login to your Coach Profile (coach access is disabled from close of registration until 1 week after the coach’s meeting each season)

» Coach Meeting:  – see home page of website

* see policy for criminal background check [PDF]

B. New coaches

» All CYSA teams are coached by volunteers who are typically a parent of a player on the team. Parents are also welcome to invite a relative or friend to coach their child’s team. 

» Every volunteer must #1) register the first time they participate in our association and 2) complete a background check prior to being placed on a roster as a coach, assistant coach or team manager. 

 » Step 1 - Register as a volunteer using one of these options 

 » After setting up your family profile online, click Register Coach, then complete the steps as prompted; OR 

 » Use the New Volunteer Registration » 

 » Step 2 - Wait for an email to arrive within 1-5 business days from CYSA with instructions on how to complete a background check. Be sure to check your spam folder. 

* see policy for criminal background check [PDF]

Refunds will be given provided the request is received in writing before the player is officially placed on a team. Refunds will be for the registration fee paid for the player minus a $20 administrative fee. Registration fees cannot be deferred to another season.

Returned Checks
The CYSA has a NSF returned check fee of $25.

Selection of Coaches

A. Anyone that wishes to be a head coach must complete the Head Coach Registration Form and the Criminal Background Check Authorization Form. 

B. All head coaches must meet the minimum coach licensing requirements for the age group that they want to coach. (See the Training and Licensing Section, page 9, for minimum requirements.) 

C. Assistant coaches may not be selected prior to teams being assigned. Once teams are assigned, the head coach may select a parent from his/her team to serve as an assistant coach. 

D. Each age group commissioner will provide a list of returning coaches to the Vice President Commissioners and Executive Vice President/Registration Coordinator at least one week prior to registration. The Registration Coordinator will have this information at registration, and it will be used to publicize the need for new coaches. 

E. Teams with returning players but without a returning head coach will be disbanded unless a new head coach is identified to CYSA by the team at least 48 hours prior to the draft. 

F. New coaches are subject to Board approval. 

G. If a person becomes the head coach of a new team formed by the Association in the current season, the coach may request their child be rostered to the new team he/she is coaching. In order for any person to request their child be transferred to a returning team they are coaching, they must have been the head coach of record of the team for the previous two outdoor playing seasons or have been asked to be the head coach of the returning team by a majority vote of the Association’s Board of Directors.

Selection of Players

A. All registered players in the CYSA are required to have a certified copy of their birth certificate or passport on file with the Association. Minimum age is 4 years old. All age classifications are assigned according to the player's birth year. 

B. Players that played on a returning team may choose to play on the returning team, provided that they register in a timely manner, or to be assigned to a new team through the team formation process. If not returning to the original team, the player must complete a Special Request Form (available only in the soccer office) to be placed in the player pool.

C. Siblings that desire to play on the same team may do so if their ages qualify them for the age group. The oldest player will be placed in the draw and the team drawing this player will also receive the sibling. Younger children must complete Special Request Form (available only in the soccer office). 

D. A player may play up into an older age group but must complete Special Request Form (available only in the soccer office). Certain conditions apply and must be approved by both age group commissioners involved. A player who plays up one season may move back into his regular age group the following season. 

E. A player may not concurrently play in two age groups or on two teams. 

F. Players transferring from another qualified member association will need to provide a release form at the time of registration.

Late Registering Players 
Any player that submits a registration form after the published registration dates and times will be assigned to the player pool. If an opening becomes available he/she will be randomly assigned to a team as described in the recreational team formation procedures. Late registrants should register on our online Wait List. Click HERE for the link.

Special Requests 
Special requests will only be considered under the following circumstances: 

A. A player may request to move up into a higher age category; 

B. A player may request to play with a sibling in the same age category; 

C. A player may request to be placed in the draft and not be drafted back on to the same (previous season) team; 

D. A girl may request to play on a boys team.

E. U5-U19 Buddy Draft form can be found under the CYSA tab and then "Forms"

Team Formation

CYSA’s registration process and team formation will closely follow those as outlined in current NTSSA Rules and Regulations. Following the registration process, team formation for all age groups will basically consist of the following: 

A. Best efforts will be made to change team rosters to established guidelines. The Board may change the maximum and minimum number of players on teams in each age group as established by NTSSA. 

B. If a team remains together from season to season, then a player has the right to stay on the team. The Association will insure that all those rostered players have been contacted and given the opportunity to remain on that team. This will be done by either CYSA registration process or commissioner communication.

C. New teams and returning teams needing players will be formed as follows:

1. Players will be placed in a designated player pool according to age group and gender.

2. Players will be assigned either to a newly created team or an existing team by a “blind” random draw process. The blind random draw will be conducted in accordance with the following general guidelines:

          a. The blind random draw will be conducted fairly and without prejudice, and in the recreational spirit of the game. It will be coordinated by the Vice President of Commissioners, conducted by the Commissioners for each age group, and closely supervised by at least two current CYSA Board Members. 
          b. No conflict of interest may exist with a supervising Board Member. If a Board Member is the coach of a team, she/he may not participate in that blind draw proceeding for that team’s age group, and a minimum of two other Board Members must be present to supervise the draft. 
          c. The blind random draw will be conducted by the Commissioners for each age group. The draw for the Boys teams will be conducted by the Girls Commissioners, and the Girls draw will be conducted by the Boys Commissioners in each respective age group.
          d. The blind random draw will be available only to current head coaches to witness. No coach may actively participate in any way in the draw for his/her age group, except the Boys and Girls Commissioners for that age group as described above.

3. The blind random draw proceedings will be conducted as follows:

          a. Previous to the time of the blind random draw, the Board will have determined and established for each age group the number of teams required and the number of players to be placed on each team. 
          b. A random distribution will determine the order in which players from the player pool will be placed on each team. All returning team members’ registration forms will be placed in the team folders. The team folders will then be randomly distributed and placed next to each other in a single file line. If the Board has previously determined that a new team will be formed, an empty folder will also be placed randomly in the group of folders. All folders, whether new or returning teams, will be the same color. The number of returning players for each team will be clearly marked on the outside of the team folders. 
          c. The Commissioner for the opposite gender in each age group will shuffle the registration forms of players in the draw pool thoroughly to ensure a random order. All forms must be face down so that the identity of each player in the pool is unknown. Special requests should be indicated on the back of each form, or on a separate sheet attached to the back of the form. 
          d. The Commissioner will start at one end of the line of folders and place the top registration form on the first folder that needs a player. The next form will be placed on the next such folder and so on, to the end of the line of folders. Then the Commissioner will go back to the first folder and continue. If a team already has the number of players, that team will be skipped in the distribution. This pattern will be followed until all players in the player pool have been placed onto teams. 
          e. If during the blind random draw a player falls in line to be placed on a team to which that player specifically requested not to return, that player will be placed on the next folder. The next player form will be placed on the team skipped to honor the player request. The blind random draw will then continue as described above. 
          f. All teams must be assigned the number of players predetermined by the Board, unless there are not enough players to distribute. In that case, the team(s) assigned one less than the maximum number will be randomly determined in the above process. Any request by a coach that his/her team be specifically assigned to carry less than the maximum number of players will be denied. 
          g. After all players have been placed, the forms will be placed in the folders. A final count will be made by the Commissioner and a Board Member to ensure that teams were assigned an accurate number of players. The folders will then be closed and no coach may inquire as to new team members at that time. 
          h. The draft order of the teams must be maintained through late registration. Late registering players will be assigned to teams in a random draw process. 

D. If a team needs a new head coach, potential head coaches will be assigned to teams through a blind draw. Note: Head coaches moving from one established team to another, without the blind draw process, may not have their child transfer to the “new” team for one year (two seasons).

If you have any further questions regarding registration please contact our office.